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Gaskavuođat - Banden i Sápmi

5 gova maid sáhtát oastit 70x50cm vai A5 . Sádde maila!

5 motives in 70x50cm posters or A5, order through email!

Gaskavuođat - Banden i Sápmi

Bures boahtin mu vuosttaš dáidda čájáhus mii lea Ájtte Museumis Johkamohkis 26.5.2021-4.9.2021

Čájáhusas lea online vernissage, linka govas.

Dán čájáhusa oktavuođas sáhttá oastit 4 originala távvala, Govaid maht leat 70x50 (250 SEK) ja A5 koartaid (45 SEK). Bijan čájáhusa govaid diehke go čájáhus lea rabas. Váldde oktavuođa e-poastain jus lea miella oastit govaid.

Čájáhusa teaksta:

"Dát čájáhus lea hábmejuvvon ráhkisvuođain Sápmai. 

Dáiddat soaitet leahkit eahppečielgasat dutnje geas ii leat kultuvralaš ipmárdus sámis, vai dutnje geas leat iežá vásáhusata áššiin maid geahččalan govvidit, dat lea ok. 


Dát čájáhus ii govvit ovttage ovttaskas dili. Hálidan loktet áššiid maht mu mielas galget oaččut eanet fuomášumi sámi servodagas ja politihkkas.


Mun sávan buohkaide buori dearvvasvuođa ja dearvvaslaš gaskavuođaid guhtet guoimmiide, servodahkii, eatnamii ja iežasii. Sávan maid ahte dát vásáhus sáhttá leahkit veahkkin dutnje, álggahit čoavdit čuolpmaid ja čatnat min oktavuođa."

Gaskavuođat - Relations

Welcome to my first art exhibition at Ájtte Museum, Jokkmokk 26.5.2021-4.9.2021

The vernissage is online, link on the picture above.

At this exhibition I will sell 4 original paintings, prints 70x50 (250 SEK) and A5 cards (45 SEK). I will publish the pictures when the exhibition has opened. E-mail if you are interested in purchasing any of the motives.

Text from exhibition: 

"This exhibition is created with love for Sápmi. 

If the art of this exhibition is unclear to you, it might be because you don't have enough cultural understanding of the Sámi community, or that your experience of the issues portrayed is different, that is ok. 


This exhibition doesn’t portray any individual's life. I want to acknowledge issues that I think should have more attention politically and in the Sámi community.


I wish for everyone to have a healthy relationship to each other, society, earth and to themselves. I hope this experience can help you to begin solving knots and braiding connections."

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